Take Advantage of the National Electric Vehicle Infrastructure (NEVI) Formula Program with Help from Electrify America

Attracting Electric Vehicle (EV) drivers is key to the success of your business.

NEVI incentive funds may cover up to 80% of the costs to install DC fast charging stations at eligible locations.

Close-up of car being charged at Electrify America station.

What is the NEVI Program?

Created by the federal government’s Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA), the NEVI program will provide $5 billion over five years for states to strategically deploy EV charging stations and establish an interconnected network to facilitate data collection, access, and reliability.

Information is provided for educational purposes only; this webpage and the information contained within has not been reviewed or endorsed by the U.S. Department of Transportation or the United States Government.

Learn more about bipartisan infrastructure law
Car connected to chargin station.

NEVI could fund up to 80% of eligible costs to deploy your EV charging station.*

  • The NEVI program funds charging station deployments along designated Alternative Fuel Corridors (AFCs). Installing Ultra-Fast, reliable charging stations is critical to the country’s EV adoption and could drive environmental and economic benefits for generations.
  • Investing In Ultra-Fast charging on your property opens the opportunity for EV drivers to be in your store for 20+ minutes while their vehicle charges—driving incremental revenue for your business.
  • With nearly half of consumers already stopping in a convenience store when buying gas, you could see major benefits from the amount of time EV drivers spend in your business while waiting for their car to charge.

Information is provided for educational purposes only; this webpage and the information contained within has not been reviewed or endorsed by the U.S. Department of Transportation or the United States Government.

Learn more about bipartisan infrastructure law
Car connected to charging station.

Outfitting your property with EV charging could:

  • Increase the time customers spend on your property
  • Retain customers as EVs gain greater share of the automobile market
  • Show your commitment to sustainability
  • Create customer loyalty and repeat visits

The NEVI Program presents a once in a generation opportunity to install charging stations at your business—a golden opportunity amidst the rising EV market.

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an Electrify America charging location at dusk displaying six chargers pictured from the corner of the lot

Why Electrify America

Electrify America offers a turnkey solution to building and maintaining a charging station on your property. With cutting-edge technology and analysis expertise, Electrify America is the right choice to guide you through the NEVI application process.

Electrify America is not only the nation’s largest open Ultra-Fast charging network, but also the most experienced network to help you meet NEVI requirements, having already installed 85% of the NEVI-compliant chargers in the country.

Map of America with hundreds of light blue dots denoting stations in operation or development as of August 2022. The same map has over a hundred light green dots denoting planned station locations by 2026. Network map coverage for illustrative purposes only.
Current public DC fast charging stations as of August 2022
Planned future public DC fast charging stations as of 2026

Explore the largest public fast charging network in the U.S.

Electrify America has 1,800 total charging stations with over 10,000 planned chargers in the United States and Canada by 2026.

Charging station.

Electrify America’s innovations include:

  • The first Plug & Charge compatible EV charging network in North America
  • Been ranked “EV Charging Infrastructure Best-in-Test” for two years in a row, in 2020 and 2021
  • Largest open Direct Current Fast Charging (DCFC) network in the U.S.
  • High-speed electric vehicle charging through a network compr exclusively of 150 kW & 350 kW chargers, with 350 kW being the fastest charging speed available on the market today

Installing a powerful, reliable charging station could prepare your business profitability in this new era of travel.

Learn more about how Electrify America can help you navigate complex NEVI Formula Program standards for grant funding.

an Electrify America charging location at dusk displaying six chargers pictured from the corner of the lot

Connect with a NEVI Program Expert

Electrify America is here to help you navigate unique NEVI requirements for your state’s grant funding and guide you through building a powerful, trusted charging station at your business from start to finish.

Click here for Electrify America’s Privacy Statement *Funding through NEVI is dependent on selection by your State Department of Transportation and not guaranteed by Electrify America. You and your property must meet all minimum NEVI and State Department of Transportation proposal requirements to be considered for funding and must be selected by the appropriate decision-makers. Information is provided for educational purposes only; this webpage and the information contained within has not been reviewed or endorsed by the U.S. Department of Transportation or the United States Government.